Guaranteed delivery Father's Day

I want a copy of my product

If you have received your order and you love it, or you simply need extra copies, you can do the following:

Order copies of personalised products

Repeat orders are only available for users who made the purchase as registered users.

Order copies of Photo Books, Magazines, and Books.

If you would like a copy of an order of these products, you just need to retrieve the project code.

To do this, you will first need to save the project by clicking on the button in the top corner.


A dialog box will open, and there you can find the project code.


Save this project code, once you have finished your order, if another day you want to make more copies of this order, you only have to go to the project editor, and in the initial option where it says "Import project" enter the project code.


If you would like to re-order a different model from the original, you will have to contact us before doing the steps described above.